

Title: Narges

Author: Rahim Makhdoomi

Subject: Fiction (Novel)

Publisher: Soore-ye Mehr Pubs.

Year of Publishing: 2017/7th Edition

No. of Pages: 271/Paperback

Size: 12 × 20

ISBN: 978 9645067630

 Sample English text is available.

◙ Welcomed greatly by Iranian addresses: 7th edition.

◙ Copyright is available in all languages.

About the Book:

Everything started from the day Narges and Ismail went to school.  The beginning of the school was the beginning of the turbulent days of the educational life of Narges and Isma’il. Meanwhile, Ishmael completes the task of fraternity in Narges’ right; he makes his best to let Narges go to school.  Ismail, despite his very young age, thinks as a mutual man.  Ismail is a teenage boy studying at guidance school and his sister named Narges, at high school. Ismail’s father is a poor but revolutionary man. He sells dry and waste bread. His uncle, who is mullah (clergy man), is also against the Shah’s regime, and has been frequently arrested and tortured by SAVAK (Iranian Intelligences Service in Shah’s arena). According to the new directive, Narges is being expelled from the school due to her Hijab, and this is a main cause that evokes Ismail to be against the regime of Shah. Then the book describes Isma’il’s efforts to bring his sister back to school

The book enjoys a simple and eloquent text without using complex terms and statements. The events narrated from the perspective of the first person means by Ismail. The events are somewhat tangible and believable as though they are the author’s memories described beautifully the details and events. The author, in the thirty-four short sections, tried to find out all the events that took place in his community, especially in the eyes of the teenage boy. Each section consists of one of these events. The message in the novel is: to achieve the goals, we should try our best and work together.

About the Author:

Rahim Makhdumi


Rahim Makhdumi is a teacher and writer who was eager to write when he was about the age of adolescence.His first book was released in the year 1989. His writings are inspired by the life and character of Iranian warriors, those in the Iran-Iraq war, in particular. Makhdumi has penned various books in the field of sacred defense literature including novel, short story and drama. Among them are:

Who will take the trigger,

The Bare foot fight,

Those who pass away,

Dreams and memories,

Runaway teacher,

Everyone works itself

Rahim Makhdumi lives in Tehran at present and is engaging to teach and write his new books.

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